Our commitment to climate action

Since publishing our first climate action strategy in 2021, we have moved quickly to reduce our emissions and wider environmental impact.

We reported a 38% reduction in emissions for 2023/24 compared to our 2020 baseline year and are making rapid progress towards the target we set with the Science Based Targets initiative:

“To reduce scope 1 and scope 2 GHG emissions 42% by 2030 from a 2020 baseline year, and to measure and reduce scope 3 emissions.”

Examples of changes and initiatives rolled out across the company are:

Targeting project fuel with our anti-idling campaign, including efficiency training for all operators.

Prioritising mains connections or adopting solar powered/hybrid generators, minimising our dependency on diesel generators.

Maintaining our owned fleet of plant and machines to a high standard, minimising NOx and PM emissions, replacing older machines with new, compliant with the latest emissions standards.

Increasingly incorporating energy-efficient technologies into site accommodation.

Establishing a sustainable procurement policy.

Embedding renewable and low carbon power (electric, hybrid, solar, etc) as the accepted standard for generators, tower lights, etc.

Using more electric small tools as first choice.

Increasing the choice of EVs and plug-in hybrids across all grades, reducing reliance on diesel to fuel our company car fleet and prioritising sustainable choices through our green travel policy. Charging points at fixed offices.

Introducing salary sacrifice new and nearly new EV schemes for all employees.

Publishing best practice guidance for site managers to promote setting up sites with sustainability in mind.

Knights Brown Fleet

We voluntarily publish an annual PPN 06/21 carbon reduction plan, documenting our commitments and actions taken in the year.

We are committed to benchmarking and reporting our significant scope 3 impacts and to validating a long-term, 2050, net zero target with the SBTi. We have begun this process by establishing a benchmark and reporting scope 3 emissions arising from employee commuting for the first time in 2023/4. We are currently targeting benchmarks for waste, transportation and business travel.

Our markets

Our wide-ranging skills conquer the unique challenges of maritime environments.

Our extensive experience powers a comprehensive, nationwide capability.

Our skilled workforce resources the construction of essential water infrastructure.

Our extensive fleet of machinery brings scalability and flexibility to every situation.

Our integrated building and civil engineering service offers a single, simple solution.