Meet Gruffydd, Dilwyn the famous sea monster’s, Grandpa

Gruffydd lives in Mumbles

We would like to introduce you to Grandpa Gruffydd, the esteemed storyteller of the seas who brings a wealth of enchantment to our ‘Sea Through Time’ educational project.

Envision Grandpa Gruffydd as an ancient sea creature, revered and wise, making his home in the swirling currents near Mumbles Pier.

He is the ancestor of the lively and inquisitive Dilwyn and is cherished for his compelling storytelling that sparkles with wisdom, guiding young Dilwyn on his journey to discover ‘How the sea shaped Mumbles.’

Specifically created for the Mumbles project, Grandpa Gruffydd’s tale is designed to captivate the community’s imagination, engaging audience members from children to the young at heart.

Our educational project merges Grandpa Gruffydd’s time-honoured wisdom with the artwork and creativity of local students.

Keep an eye out for Grandpa Gruffydd’s story and the children’s artwork which will be displayed over the coming months on the hoardings by our site offices.


If you’re walking along the promenade on a sunny day by Mumbles Pier, peek into the blue sea and watch for a special surprise. You might find Grandpa Gruffydd or Dilwyn swimming by! They’re friendly, playful sea monsters. Just give them a big, happy wave, and they might wave back with their giant tails, splashing a hello from their underwater world!

You can read Grandpa Gruffydd’s story here and learn more about the ‘Sea Through Time’ project here.

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