Wall A – From North tie into Oytermouth car park
We have substantially completed the vertical walls, and the beach has been reinstated in this area. 16 wall pours have been completed, with only the north tie-in remaining.
During the period, we have partly removed our North access ramp and completed the remaining bases at the North tie-in in readiness to complete the three remaining wall pours before the summer holidays.
Wall B – Oystermouth car park to the bowling green
We have completed 65 stepped base pours and 41 vertical wall elements.
Beach has been reinstated to the majority of the completed stepped bases.
We have installed 48 heels, which support the wave return element at the promenade level.
We have completed 20 wave return elements to complete Wall B – the majority of these completed in the period were in the Oyster Wharf area.
We have completed the installation of additional piles to support the new sea view steps at the Oystermouth car park.
We have continued installing drainage in the Oyster Mouth car park in preparation for constructing the secondary wall along the car park boundary.
We have been progressively constructing the secondary wall to the Oystermouth car park, completing copings and resurfacing to minimise disruption to the car park.
The next phases will involve continuing the wave return along the Oystermouth car park and commencing bases to the Seaview steps. We will also complete the 2 transition areas within the Wall B area.
Oyster Wharf area
We completed the raised planters and repaving of the plaza area before Easter this year. Olive trees and planting was completed using temporary timber upstand to support planting, granite copings have now been received and installed on the plaza side of the planters. We have been concentrating on the progression of the sea wall to this area prior to the busy summer season, and the final wave return was poured last week. The stainless-steel balustrade has been completed for this section, and the new dual arm lighting columns have been installed and commissioned this week. We are currently preparing for surfacing work to complete works to this area as the external seating areas to the plaza so this section can be reopened to the public for the busy summer holiday period.
Oyster Wharf to Southend Slipway – Revetment C
Revetment C slab construction has continued to the foreshore area, and we have constructed a new outfall and access steps at Cornwall Place. To date, we have completed 41 lower pours, 38 mid pours, and 11 upper pours.
The secondary wall along Promenade Terrace has been substantially completed and the grassed area to the trees has been reinstated.
We unearthed a large section of a timber vessel during excavation for driving sheet piles near the Southend slipway. Our resident archaeologists have investigated and removed this vessel and found rigging and discovered rigging, rope fenders and several leather boots. When the vessel was removed, a further vessel was unearthed beneath, and this is currently being investigated by archaeologists so it can be removed from the footprint of the works so the revetment slopes can be completed.
We have commenced Revetment C heels and wave return adjacent to Promenade Terrace, and the 15 bays to this section should be completed over the next few weeks.
Southend slipway to Verdis
We have completed driving the sheet piles to their final level using a hydraulic piling hammer along the remaining length of the scheme.
Sloped revetment construction has continued to the Southend Car Park area, as well as Heel pours at the Promenade level. We have completed 36 lower pours, 31 mid pours, and 8 upper pours in this area.
We have completed the construction of 27 echelon parking spaces on Mumbles Road and have closed the parking area adjacent to the promenade. The promenade has been diverted to the new footpath adjacent to the parking spaces.
Temporary closure of the footpath will be undertaken to access materials currently stored in the Southend car park. The temporary diversion will be via the intermediate path adjacent to Hennebont Gardens.
We will continue construction of revetment C to the foreshore over the next period and commence completion of wave returns to this section.