To be a company people aspire to work for, where we…
A vision to inspire us
…always deliver the best experience for our customers.
We apply these values to how we treat each other and use them to help us make decisions. They are integral to Knights Brown and who we are.
Blue Duvigneau
Assistant Quantity Surveyor
We are stronger together.
We build respect through trust.
We are adventurous, encouraging, creative and open-minded.
We listen to what others have to say.
We are straightforward and uncomplicated.
We challenge the way we work to find a better way.
Our commitment to climate action
A 42% reduction by 2030
We are on course to exceed our near term carbon reduction target and making progress towards benchmarking and setting a target for our longer term, net zero ambitions.
to project
Communication and consultation
We provide information to help people understand our work and how they may be affected. We invite feedback to address concerns and inform the social value we contribute.
to giving
Helping others help themselves
Our volunteers have been building footbridges over impassable rivers in African communities since 2016, enabling life-changing access to healthcare, education and markets.