Dover Western Docks Revival


Port of Dover
Formation of a new area to be called Clock Tower Square, an essential component ahead of the opening of Dover's new marina.

The construction of 550m of promenade overlooking the new marina at Dover Western Docks.

  • Paving work on the marina curve.
  • Marina car parking.
  • Welfare facilities.
  • A recreational area.
  • Incorporation of restored heritage features.


All work had to be completed ahead of the opening of the marina to develop and further enhance the outlook and waterfront experience for visitors.


Restored heritage street furniture was incorporated into the work. Clock Tower Square accommodates mooring bollards, heritage lamp standards, railing standards, specialist posts and granite benches made from former pier coping stones.

The Charles II Memorial, Jarret Memorial, Pier Memorial, Prince of Wales Entrance Plaque and the Prince of Wales Pier Gates have been placed in prominent positions as reminders of the area’s history.

Stretching for 150 metres, restored small and large granite cobbles were reset to show the original pier outline.


Dover Western Dock Revival has already positively increased economic benefits for the local area as a result of the construction of the cargo terminal and berths. This stage of the development represents a further significant investment in Dover’s future ambitions.

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