Oakridge Infant & Junior School Extension


A £3m new build contract for the construction of a seven classroom extension to increase the infant school’s capacity and a standalone new build block and extension to the junior school, creating a link corridor.

With most of the work taking place during term time, the welfare of the school pupils was our priority.

The new build block is a timber frame, cross laminated timber structure using Glulam beams, forming an `L` shape to create three classrooms for years 1 – 2, three classrooms for years 3 – 6, staff room, toilets, two group rooms, a planning, preparation and assessment space and a plant room.

The junior school extension is constructed from a steel frame and roof deck, brick plinth, Metsec wall frame and cement particle board with insulation and timber cladding. The internal fitted out space provides a single year 2 classroom and group room.

The site was landscaped to blend with the school surroundings,  enhancing the overall look of the school in its new form.


The welfare of the school pupils while works took place during term time, was our main priority.

Our aim was to minimise the programme and achieve sectional completion as quickly as possible.


We took care to develop a great relationship with the school, carrying out site safety assemblies within both schools and instigating a site safety poster art competition. Senior school staff were invited to a site visit, which further enhanced our relationship.

Early involvement of our subcontractors helped improve the programming of the project, aiding the sectional completion.  The car park works were resequenced to help reduce possible tension between the school and next door community centre.

Most of the car park was completed during the summer holidays and handed back to the school only three weeks into the term. This was helped by the early set up of the site welfare facilities.


This project was the third we had completed for Hampshire County Council under their Intermediate Construction Framework.

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