Yaxley Gas Insulated Substation


Construction of a 400kV gas insulated substation (GIS) and compound in Cambridgeshire for National Grid's RIIO2 Electricity Construction Framework.

The project comprises the construction and fit out of a portal frame building to house high voltage switchgear and an annex to accommodate ancillary equipment.

We are delivering the civils elements of the works, including:

  • Foundations and support structures for all equipment.
  • Earthworks including preparation of formation level and all enabling and temporary works.
  • Height barriers.
  • Relay rooms, battery rooms, amenity, workshop and storage facilities.
  • DNO termination point.
  • All fencing and gates.
  • Diesel generator area including generator.
  • Site lighting.
  • Drainage.
  • 2km of roads to connect the two substation compounds and provide access from the public highway plus temporary provisions.
  • Landscaping and maintenance.
  • Troughs and ducts.
  • All civil works related to site storage and laydown areas.

Our specialist energy team has been supplemented with local labour who we have trained to meet the required standards.


Reopening a 70m section of the dock feeder canal, which was covered by 69 concrete beams that each weighed 7.5 tonnes.


Faced with working not only within a confined city centre location but above a Victorian brick egg sewer, we first considered lifting out the sections by either 60T or 90T crane. The 60T proved unable to reach the full extents. The 90T would have required considerable amendments to our site layout. This lead to us deciding to use a 50T excavator, which was the smallest size of machine capable of managing both the capacity and reach required.

We then had to solve how to release the beams, which were locked into position with a keystone. We did this by pecking at the joints and nudging them fractionally towards the keystone, duly releasing the pressure and allowing the beams to be easily lifted out.




The project facilitates the connection of a newly constructed, gas-fired electricity generating plant by Progress Power and is being delivered for Burns & McDonnell.


The project facilitates the connection of a newly constructed, gas-fired electricity generating plant by Progress Power and is being delivered for Burns & McDonnell.

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